NFA Tax Stamp Registration

NFA Registrations Options

February 01, 20232 min read

Ways To Register a Silencer or other NFA Item

Choosing how you should register a suppressor is sometimes confusing and is one of the most common questions we get.  There are basically three different registration methods available.


As an individual, your suppressor (NFA item) will be registered in your name, and only you.  This means you legally cannot share it with anyone if you’re not physically present.

For all of the options, this one requires the least amount of paperwork, for getting your suppressor. On the flip side, registering as an individual is the least flexible in terms of being able to “share” your silencer with friends or family.


 Traditional NFA Trust:

Some customers choose the Traditional NFA trust because the Trust puts all serialized items into one document.  This is a great option for people who want to list responsible parties and beneficiaries. 

Traditional NFA Trusts are great for the customer who wants their trust to dictate who your silencer can be handled by during your life and after.


Filing under a corporation implies you have business.  This means that the silencer belongs to the corporation.  Customers like this option when they want to be able to allow their employees access to these products - remember, the corporation owns it, like they would own a vehicle and employees drive that vehicle around.

We do see some customers still go with other trust options solely because if that company were to liquidate, the silencer technically is an asset of that company.

Changing your filing mind:

Changing it to a different registration would entail re-filing your suppressor.  Re-filing requires paperwork, a $200 tax stamp, and waiting for approval.


Use the table below to help decide which method is best for you.  The table shows a quick comparison between the options:

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Yowie Outdoors

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