buy Suppressor

How to Buy a Suppressor

January 31, 20236 min read

How to Buy a Suppressor

Purchasing a suppressor or silencer is similar to buying a handgun. Many of the steps are the same with a few additional which includes a registration tax.

Is there a Difference Between a Silencer and a Suppressor?

Suppressor and Silencer are terms that are used meaning.  Either word is applicable for a device that you attach to the barrel of a firearm that reduces noise and gas when the gun is fired.  The term suppressor is more commonly used in the industry as they do not “Silence” the report of the firearm. A suppressor does significantly reduce the noise.  The ATF refers to them as Silencers.

How long does it take to get a suppressor? 

The wait time for a suppressor is always longer than it should be. You can keep up to date on suppressor tax stamp wait times with  ATF wait time tracker.

Suppressors can be purchased online.

Buying a silencer is easy and can be done online.  Getting your gun suppressor is simple when working with us.  We are very knowledgeable with the product and will make getting your next rifle suppressor, pistol suppressor, or rimfire suppressor easier than ever.

Here are the steps for buying a suppressor:

1. Purchase a Silencer

The process starts with you purchasing a suppressor. If you need a hand in deciding which silencer is the best for you, we have knowledgeable staff available to assist via, email, or in person. You may also purchase directly or from our website.  

If you choose, you may use our Layaway option to pay monthly while you wait for the registration to complete.  Just pay 25 percent down, and 25 percent a month for the next three months,


2. Decide how you would like to Register your Suppressor or other NFA item.

The most common way customers file for suppressors is a Trust.  We have several trust options available in which you can easily add responsible parties/trustees. (see bottom of writeup for trust details)

A NFA tax stamp is required to own NFA firearms such as gun silencers.  This is a $200 federal tax for the purchase of all items regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA). You will need to purchase a tax stamp for each suppressor or other NFA item.

3. Complete your Filing Profile

We process most of our suppressor through e-file.  You need to set up an appointment and in about 15 minutes, you scan your fingerprints, and add some demographic information for your registration profile.  This is a one and done for the fingerprinting.  Once your prints are captured, you will not have to re-scan your fingerprints.  You'll also need to take a "passport-style" photo to add to your profile. This can be done with most smart phones. Look straight ahead, shoulders up, no headwear, scarves, or sunglasses, and against a neutral-colored plain background.

If you are unable to make an appointment for your fingerprint, we do have other methods that can be used. These may incur an additional cost on your part.  Fingerprints can be submitted manually using FD-258 fingerprint cards.  Some UPS stores have the ability to capture your electronic fingerprints.

4. Create an ATF eForms account

What is ATF e-Form? e-Forms is the submission process for submitting your electronic Form 4 (“e-Form 4”) to the ATF. There is no cost to create an ATF eForms account.

Using  ATF eForms , register an e-forms account with the ATF.  This will be needed to electronically submit your registration.

Your email, full name, and address MUST match your profile information exactly. We can guide you and help you with the e-form account during your appointment.

5. Certify and Submit to the ATF

If using our automated registration, we can capture all your information and submit it to ATF by e-file on the spot.

6. Now comes the hard part. The Wait.

During the Certify and Submit stage you received an e-mail with the form 4 in draft mode. When your suppressor is approved you will receive an e-mail again with the form saying approved and will have a picture of the NFA Tax Stamp.

Once you have received this approval e-mail you can setup a time to pick up your suppressor.  During this time we can assist you with mounting your suppressor or help you with any accessories that may desire.

For a small shipping fee we can arrange to have your suppressor shipped to you.

Check the ATF wait time tracker.  You can find the most up-to-date information on average approval times for your next NFA Item.

The Ways To Register A Silencer

Or a Short Barreled Rifle, Short Barreled Shotgun or AOW

Choosing how you should register a suppressor is one of the most common questions we get.  If you're unsure which option is right for you, you're not alone.  Currently, there are five different registration methods at your disposal ranging in flexibility and simplicity.  By the end of this write-up, you'll be better equipped to know which method is right for you.

Below you’ll find the information needed to decide which method is right for you.  The chart shows a quick comparison between your options:  Individual, Single Shot Trust, Single Shot Trust Unlimited, Traditional NFA Trust, and Corporation.


As an individual, your silencer will be registered in your name, and only yours.  This means you legally cannot, share it with anyone if you’re not present.

Out of all of the options, this one requires the least amount of paperwork, for getting your suppressor. On the flip side, registering as an individual is the least flexible in terms of being able to “share” your silencer with friends or family.

Traditional NFA Trust:

Some customers choose the Traditional NFA trust because the Trust puts all serialized items into one document.  This is a great option for people who want to list responsible parties and beneficiaries.  Flexibility wise, the Traditional NFA Trust falls somewhere right between Individual and Single Shots.

Traditional NFA Trust is great for the customer who wants their trust to dictate who your silencer can be handled by during your life and after.

Customer Scenario: You have family and/or friends you whole-heartedly trust with your entire selection of serialized items. They have access to every single item whenever they want. 


Filing under a corporation implies you have a business. This means that the silencer belongs to the corporation at the end of the day. Customers like this option when they want to be able to allow their employees access to these products - remember, the corporation owns it, like they would own a vehicle and employees drive that vehicle around.

We do see some customers still go with other trust options solely because if that company were to liquidate, the silencer technically is an asset of that company.

Customer Scenario: You have employees you want to be able to use these items listed on the business’s paperwork.


Changing your filing mind:

The fate of your silencer isn’t set in stone if you choose one way to register and the ATF approves it.  But changing it to a different registration is essentially re-filing your suppressor.  You read that right - re-filing requires paperwork, a $200 tax stamp, and yes, waiting for approval.  And we do see this happen!  The most common occurrence is with customers who are looking for more flexibility.

As you can see, each option offers varying flexibility and simplicity. And we are here to assist you through the paperwork process no matter which option you choose.  We hope this helps clear the air about the similarities and differences and sheds light on what you might be leaning toward.  If you have any additional questions, contact us and we’ll always be happy to assist you.

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Yowie Outdoors

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